Faced with the decision of where to go today, the kids opted for waves. There are two beaches that really provide good surf: Brava and Resaca. They both, from what I read, have equally as good wave action but Brava is the easier hike. To get to Resaca, you have to drive up to the helipad, which is highest point on the island, and hike down to the beach. I wasn't too worried about the hike down but the climb back with a cooler and tired troops might be a problem. Considering all this, we chose Brava, the easier of the two.

One problem was getting to the trail head. Almost all of the Internet postings about hiking to Brava talked about the trail head, the trail, and the waves. But nowhere could I find how to get to the trail. If the post said anything, it said you drive through a neighborhood. But which neighborhood? After driving a bit, we found a road crew that spoke English. We didn't understand everything but 'museum' was enough to get us there. We took the road just to the right of the museum and ended up at the trial head.

We parked on the road almost getting run over by a horse we startled. Part of the hike down, goes up, but most of it is down. There were some interesting sights on the trail.

I couldn't tell what these cocoon like things in the trees were but closer inspection revealed there were ants marching in and out. Some of these floating ant beds were directly over the trail. Luckily, we survived.

The kids got way ahead of us on the hike. They yelled back something about turning right but we missed the finer details of that instruction... as well as the white arrow clearly pointing the way. I took this picture on the way back up.

Brava beach was a lot of fun. The waves were really great. A bit rough for Lisa but Savannah couldn't get enough. We even snorkeled out past the breakers without a problem. Not much to see but it will give the kids something to compare to when we snokel at Carlos Rosario.
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