From the time Savy started telling us what she wanted for Christmas... I think this was way back in September... until a few weeks before, the desire remained consistent. Years ago, she had begun picking up my old guitar and teaching herself little bits and pieces. She'd get on the Internet and figure out chords and short pieces of songs and really displayed some natural talent. So when she consistently kept asking for her own guitar, I was very willing to oblige.

The shopping was quick. Quicker than I thought I would be happy with. We drove over to Mr. E's, just to look mind you, and sat in their guitar room for a little over an hour. There were several upper end toys in there but right in the middle of the room were several starter guitars. The sound of these were really quite nice. We left there with a little black beauty made by Ibanez.
When Savy told me we had to come up with a name, one immediately came to mind. First of all because of the instruments color but second, how from the moment we got it home, it was

stuck to her side. Of course the name, that has also now stuck, is 'tar baby. I had to explain the name's origin to our 13 year old because Disney has completely locked away in 'the vault' that politically incorrect film and any related paraphernalia. Why the apostrophe-tar, you ask? It's a guitar... 'tar baby... do ya guit it?